Start Art Creative Workshops

Start Art is a group of multi-talented educators aiming to help children learn English through artistic expression. It encourages children to explore their surroundings and imagination through set art projects and crafts in an English speaking environment and learn new vocabulary and phrases through themes introduced into the lessons.

Start Art currently offers the following workshops at Art House Awaji

(1.5 - 3 year olds with their caregiver)
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(4 - 7 year olds)
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(8 - 12 year olds)
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Through visiting and working with children in various education establishments in Japan, our goal is to inspire young people to be inquisitive about the world around them and eager to learn about their surroundings through independent exploration. We strive to make learning fun and interesting, and to create an exciting and entertaining environment for self-realisation and one in which children are eager to learn. 


At Start Art, we counter the idea that art is simply a way to 'have fun' or 'express yourself'. We truly believe that art can be an important tool in accelerating learning achievements in academic subjects. Numerous scientific studies have shown that the more frequently one is immersed in creative activity, the greater their improvements in other academic areas. 

In a research article titled, ‘How Art Changes Your Brain', participants joined art classes for a two-hour session once a week, for ten weeks. The results of the findings concluded that through the process of creating visual art, these participants developed increased brain connectivity. (Researchers: Anne Bolwerk, Jessica Mack-Andrick, Frieder R. Lang, Arnd Dörfler, Christian Maihöfner)

Various studies have also found that engaging in the creation of art can:

  • Aid the development in new neural pathways and strengthen the neural pathway that is responsible for controlling attention and focus

  • Strengthen problem-solving and critical thinking skills

  • Improve self-esteem, stress-relief and emotional well-being

  • Induce greater levels of self-awareness and development of personal expression

  • In the current day, thanks to the findings of various psychologists and neurologists, more and more educators and academic establishments around the world are waking up and realising the true benefits of the act of creating, and are integrating the arts into the educational system. 

At Start Art we are passionate about children. Our aim is to help children to learn the English Language in a fun and engaging way, while simultaneously exposing them to the benefits of creative processes that will help increase their achievements in the English language and other areas of academia. 

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